Our summer clerk, Britton Fugazzi, is an aspiring professional trombone player

Our summer clerk, Britton Fugazzi, is an aspiring professional trombone player, having discovered his love of this instrument from middle school band and further developing his love of music in high school right here in Lexington.  Britton and his grandfather, together with other local musicians, have regularly entertained at local assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and events for the City of Lexington. Britton received his Bachelor’s of Music in Music Education in December 2021 from the University of Kentucky, his Master’s Degree in Music Performance from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music in May 2024, and will begin his Doctorate of Musical Arts at the University of North Texas this fall.  Fowler Bell is pleased to have this talented young man take a small break from his trombone practice to assist our firm during the summer.  Please enjoy some clips of a few recent performances. 

Young at Heart Big Band at Gratz Park on 7-3-24


Dixieland South Band at Ashland Terrace on 6-25-24


Dixieland South Band at Liberty Ridge on 7-3-24